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  • Virginia Beach Office


    618 Village Drive
    Suite J
    Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454

  • Newport News Office


    11837 Rock Landing
    Suite 103
    Newport News, Virginia 23606

  • Chesapeake Office


    1100 Volvo Parkway
    Suite 340
    Chesapeake, Virginia 23320

Determined Virginia Lawyers Provide Aggressive DWI Defense

Results-driven law firm seeks sentence reduction

At Hanger Law in Virginia, we know that the consequences of a DWI for alcohol or drugs or a serious traffic violation can last well into the future. If you face such charges, you might think your only choice is to accept the hefty fines, license suspension or loss, jail time, and other penalties. As criminal defense attorneys, we know that this is not the case, and we are able to make a difference for many people we see at our Newport News, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach and Richmond offices.

Knowledgeable attorneys explain limits and penalties

DWI penalties depend mostly on blood alcohol and drug concentration (BAC). The blood alcohol concentration limit is .08 percent in Virginia, while the maximum blood concentration level is .02 for cocaine and PCP and .1 for methamphetamine. Some people believe that once this is determined, hiring a lawyer is a waste of time. However, this is when an experienced DWI lawyer may be of the most benefit in getting fines and sentences reduced or dismissed.

In Virginia, a first offense for a DWI can result in your license being suspended for one year. To have your license reinstated, you must complete alcohol safety and education classes. If you were arrested with a BAC at or in excess of .15 percent, an ignition interlock device will be installed in your car.

Criminal defense team looks for flaws in prosecution’s case

Fines and/or jail time can sometimes be reduced or avoided if the police inaccurately conducted the breathalyzer or blood or urine test, or if there were other circumstances that affected the sobriety test (such as a medical issue). We can also look into whether there were errors in the processing of your test or if you were not adequately informed of your rights. Sometimes the DWI charge can be reduced to a “wet reckless” charge, which means it is punished as reckless driving but with the additional requirement that the defendant complete an alcohol safety action program.

If you are arrested for a DWI or traffic violation, it is best to avoid admitting any fault or guilt to police. Law enforcement can and will use any statements made against you. Our criminal defense team will investigate all the details of your incident and inform you of your legal options.

Effective counsel fights traffic violation charges   

For traffic violation cases, we can look for such mistakes as misidentifying witnesses, incorrectly describing the accident scene or failing to document important evidence, which we may be able to use to get the charges reduced to a lesser offense with a view toward avoiding jail time and pursuing such options as a driver improvement program.

Contact our accomplished Virginia lawyers for a consultation

If you have been charged or arrested for a DWI or a traffic violation, Hanger Law, with offices in Newport News, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach and Richmond, Virginia, is ready to come to your defense. Call us at 844-200-8189 or contact us online today.